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Terms of Use


Website/ App is the asset of FOODY CORPORATION (FOODY CORP.) By using the information, services, products on the website, you are fully accepting the rules of using the website below. 

Please read carefully the following website usage rules before deciding to use our information, services, products.


1. Register to use and login account

When registering to use the account on FOODY, you need to provide the website with personal information that must be accurate, complete and up-to-date. When choosing a password for an account, choose a password in a way that no one can easily guess.

After registering, you are responsible for maintaining the password and should not disclose the password to anyone or authorize, allow anyone to use it for any purpose. FOODY will always treat access to and use of services on the site by someone's access and password as access and use of the services by that customer, regardless of the user's name and passwords can be used by others whom the owner does not know or allow.

If you discover any person who knows your password or uses your password to access and use the services on the site, you need to immediately notify us and change your password or request website to support for setting a new password.


2. The right to collect and use information

When you access and use the Site, FOODY may collect and store information such as access statistics, personal information provided to FOODY upon registration, etc. Personal information provided by customer includes names, phone numbers, email addresses, residential addresses, etc. We may use this information on planning, researching, designing and disseminating services or providing information to legal enforcement agencies as required by law or court. 


3. Regulations on the content of information on website

The user is responsible for any contents posted or transmitted to FOODY website and not permitted or allowed others to create any annoyances, nuisances or distractions for FOODY, as well as for any customer or other user.

You agree to use the Site to the extent that it complies with all applicable laws and regulations and agree not to use the Website to post, transmit, distribute the links that:

-         Contains advertising information

-         Violates laws and regulations of the Government of Vietnam.

-         Violates copyright, trademark, intellectual property, personal ownership.

-         Contains information that is obscene, provoked, or defamatory.

-         Destroys the safety, uniformity, interfaces of the site.

Any violation of any foregoing, FOODY will void the user's authority to use the website. At the same time, depending on the extent of the violation, the user will be held responsible before the law. is a website/app with community share, Foody keeps information right on the website, all information include: location information, comments, images ... and other information related to location and member are owned by Foody, and all such information will not be "Deleted" for any reason! The cases can be removed from the system including unrelated contents or junk contents specified by the management board!


4. Disclaimer

FOODY has security measures for the website and services as provided. However, FOODY can not absolutely guarantee the site from acts of vandalism or viruses from the Internet.

FOODY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR STATEMENTS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETION OF ANY INFORMATION ON THIS SITE. FOODY will periodically supplement, change, improve or update the features and information on this website without prior notice. In no event will FOODY be liable for any loss, damage or liability resulting from the use of information from this website, as well as any errors, omissions, interruptions or delays about the information.

The use of this site's information is entirely at the user's own risk. In no event will FOODY or its agents be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages.

FOODY's website includes links to other websites not owned or controlled by FOODY or containing information provided by third parties. FOODY is, therefore, not responsible for errors or omissions in the quoted information and the contents, privacy, confidentiality of the linked sites as well as damages when you use those sites.


5. Changes on FOODY website

We have the sole rights to add, modify or delete any information as well as change the interface, presentation, composition or function of this website including any item at any time without notice.


6. Change the rules

We reserve the right to make any changes without notice. By continuing to use FOODY after such modifications, you agree to abide by these modifications.


7. Rules for non-allowed actions

-      You may not infringe, compromise, access, use or attempt to infringe, infiltrate, access or use any part of our server, and/ or any data area if not allowed by us.

-      You do not have the right or take actions to restrict or prohibit any other user from using the gadgets on the FOODY site.

-      You are not authorized to post or transmit any unlawful, defamatory, profane, defamatory, obscene, profane, defamatory, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, abusive information,... or against with common ethical standards of society in any form, including the propagation or promotion of conduct that may constitute a criminal offense or violate any local, international provisions. We respect freedom of speech, but reserve the right to remove or delete any or all of your contents, regardless of whether the violation is obvious or implied.

-      You may not send or transmit any advertising, invitations, chain letters, investment opportunities or any other form of commercial communication that you do not expect, spam or spam messages.

-      You may not send or transmit any of your non-proprietary information unless it is provided free of charge, without any information that contains any viruses, Trojan, bugs or other harmful components.

-      You may not post, publish, transmit, reproduce, distribute or exploit in any way any information derived from FOODY for any commercial purpose; or upload, post, publish, transmit, reproduce, or distribute in any form of whatsoever contents protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws of FOODY or creating variations of those contents without the written consent of the owner or copyright holder.

-      You may not use the information on this website in any form or for any purpose, except as set forth in this Terms of Use.


8. Prohibited access

We have the right, at all times, to ban or deny your access to FOODY or any part of the site immediately and without notice if we believe you have violated any of the terms in this Regulation, or or prohibition of access comes from our judgment, when we think it is appropriate to refuse and necessary in our jurisdiction.


9. Third Party Information

Information provided at FOODY may contain information from third parties or may be selected from other sources. We do not accept any responsibility for the information that we post, you will use or otherwise trust that information with your own knowledge, responsibility and risk.


10. Indemnify

You agree to indemnify for any liability whatsoever arising out of your breach of any law, litigation, costs, or expenses (including without limitation your legal costs) arising from or related to your breach of any provisions contained in the Regulations of use of FOODY. We may; in cases of being deemed as necessary, or in accordance with the provisions of the law, participate in proceedings before the claims or negotiations for settlement.


11. Intellectual Property Rights and Other Rights

All intellectual property rights that exist on the FOODY website will belong to FOODY CORP. Accordingly, all legal rights are guaranteed. Unless expressly approved by FOODY, you may not upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any form of any component of FOODY website or create derivative works  of content provided in FOODY website.

In areas where postings are permitted, you may share information that is allowed under our default formats and you are solely responsible for the content, information, images and any other sharing of yours with individual users or groups of users.

However; in all cases, we reserve the right to process the posted information in accordance with our fine customs, ethical codes and national security rules, and we have the full right to authorize or disallow your posts to appear or exist on the forums or in areas where information is allowed to be shared.

We have full rights, including copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and other proprietary rights, the content of website, and the goods or services provided that we have on FOODY website. Use of our rights and property requires our prior written permission. In addition to written permission, we do not grant any form of license, whether it is published or implied, or through your use of the service. And therefore, you do not have the right to use our website or service for commercial purposes without our prior written permission.

You agree that we may freely use, disclose, apply and modify any ideas, concepts, practices, suggestions, comments or other form of notice you provide to us  involved to FOODY in a completely free manner.


12. Provided contents on FOODY

You agree to grant us all rights and licenses (including moral rights or other necessary rights) to use, display, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, progress, translate, and create derivative works, in whole or in part, globally without recourse. This license is applicable to any form, medium or technology that is known or developed in the future; Please note that posts on the forum, or in the allowed areas may continue to be located on our site even if your account has been deleted for any reason.


13. Limitation of Liability and Warranties

All information is only for your general reference. FOODY assumes no responsibility for such information.

The access and use of FOODY website is entirely at your own risk and provided as present. FOODY is only for personal use and we do not represent or warrant in any way whatsoever, express or implied, for any particular purpose.

You behave and rely entirely on your own skill and ability to judge the use and understanding of the information you obtain at FOODY. You are responsible for ensuring that your use of information is in compliance with all applicable legal requirements.

The limitation of liability in this Regulations shall be applied to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.


14. Copyright notice

If you believe that your ownership has been used in ways that infringe copyright, you may contact our copyright manager at:     


15. Applicable law

You agree that the Terms of Use and any disagreements arising from your use of this website or our products and services will be governed by applicable law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. By registering or using our website and services, you agree to abide by and comply with all applicable regulations of the laws of Vietnam.

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